Monday 3 January 2011

First wine of 2011: Casillero del Diablo Cabernet Sauvignon

The devil is said to grant any wish. That includes Chilean accountants who want to know Australia’s formula for success in UK supermarket. Here it is, says the Diablo: purple colour, smooth fruit and an amusing name. Actually, I enjoyed it very much the day after our New Year’s Eve party when I was hungover, and told everyone I had found the perfect red wine for £6 that tasted exactly like nachos and tobacco, as if had found the key to drinking cheap wine forever. Later, I realized after a bit of sleep it was all just me.

Most people said if it was choice between Jacob's Creek and Casillero del Diablo, the Diablo wins, which suspiciously sounds like just the sort of ultimatum the Devil would give....

Available at Tesco £6.49 - look out for it on discount.

1 comment:

RitchieTom said...

Cool, I remember clearly when this Diablo arrived at my local wine merchant! I will choose it over Jacob's Creek too.